Snapchat Clone :- When you build an app like Snapchat, focus on improving both the user interface and experience. Ensure that the elements in the app are well-defined and easy to understand. You have a Snapchat app like idea but do not know where to start? Let us provide you answers on how to make an app like Snapchat: To build an app like Snapchat, you first need to know what makes Snapchat so unique. Let’s find out. Snapchat Clone has become a phenomenon. With 398 active monthly users as of July 2020, Snapchat is the 6th most popular messaging app. Across the world, it remains popular for both Millennials and Gen Z. Customized filters, ads, search, map, etc. help make the experience unique. And Snapchat, like other apps, works on individualizing content and giving things context. Personalization in Snapchat includes